
Australia’s construction industry is a cornerstone of the country’s economy, accounting for approximately 8% of GDP, as well as playing a crucial role in infrastructure provision, housing provision, and urban planning. However, the industry is facing major challenges, including rising labour costs and material shortages. Consequently, it is essential that the industry take advantage of the latest breakthroughs in AI technology to deliver improved safety, efficiency, quality control and sustainability.

That said, construction companies have been slow to take advantage of what AI has to offer. In this article, we explore five ways in which leveraging AI can lead to smarter, faster, and more sustainable practices for your construction business, placing you ahead of the competition.
Building construction

Improved Project Design and Planning

The early stages of any construction project are time consuming and arduous. Data must be collated and correctly analysed to ensure that resource allocation, schedule planning, and risk assessment are all completed with high attention to detail. Yet these early stages of design and planning can make or break a project.
construction work
construction ideas
construction blocks
improve project design planning

AI tools which use historic data to plan future projects efficiently can minimise factors such as timeframes, costs, and human error to a significant degree. Three specific examples of this include:

Risk Management

Risk management, including the recognition and mitigation of legal, strategic, financial and security threats to the organisation, is a vital component of construction projects, making it a prime candidate for AI integration. This can take two forms: the mitigation of physical safety threats on site, and data analysis to identify risk more generally.

risk management construction

Quality Control

The success of a project is dependent on more than simply planning and risk management; analysis and the use of AI tools as the project unfolds, help to ensure that all the careful planning pays off. Construction projects which may take months or even years to complete can be derailed along the way due to several unexpected factors. AI can be used to support managers’ decision making in real time, helping to keep projects on time and to budget.

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quality control AI
qc construction

Project Management and Collaboration

Efficiency is a matter of data. Things such as lead time for the procurement and delivery of materials, equipment usage optimisation, and worker allocation – all require prior knowledge of how long processes take, and the manpower, tools, and materials needed to complete them. By analysing prior jobs and monitoring projects as they progress, AI can provide this data in a format that supports management and collaborative decision-making throughout the supply chain.

project management


The construction industry has transformed the way it operates in recent years, incorporating principles and practices designed to increase sustainability at every level of the construction process. From assisting with the utilisation of sustainable designs and incorporation of green materials, to supporting the adoption of sustainable building standards and technologies, AI can be used to assess and mitigate the environmental impacts of construction projects.

sustainability planning

The Current Generation of AI-Driven Tech is Just the Beginning

While the construction industry has already come a long way in terms of incorporating AI-driven apps and technologies into everyday working practices, from the design and planning stage all the way through to project completion, technology within the industry continues to evolve, providing new and exciting applications. Robotics are another form of AI tech, the applications of which are just starting to enter the scene and may well be used alongside human workers in years to come.

For the last 20 years, Intergy has been leading the way, helping clients integrate the latest IT advances into their workflows. As AI develops, we will continue to bring best practice to the construction industry, developing custom made apps that utilise AI to increase efficiency and outcomes.

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